ドローン 空撮 🚀 桜 🌸も 菜の花も満開!最高のコントラストが鮮やかに香る 🌄 宮崎県 西都市 西都原公園 DJI MAVIC2

ドローン 空撮 🚀 桜 🌸も 菜の花も満開!最高のコントラストが鮮やかに香る 🌄 宮崎県 西都市 西都原公園 DJI MAVIC2








〒881-0005  宮崎県西都市三宅西都原 MAP

電車:JR日豊本線宮崎駅よりR219経由、タクシー40分 車:東九州道西都原ICより5分

Cherry blossoms and rape blossoms are in full bloom in Japan’s largest tumulus group

Saitobaru Burial Mounds, a special historic site with 319 burial mounds scattered on a plateau 2.6km east-west and 4.2km north-south. In the spring, 2000 cherry blossoms and 300,000 rape blossoms are in full bloom in this group of the largest burial mounds in Japan, and you can enjoy the wonderful contrast between the burial mounds and the flowers.

Until mid-April, double cherry blossoms and azaleas bloom, and you can see the beautiful scenery with the fresh greenery.

About rape blossoms in Saitobaru
Saitobaru Burial Mounds are dotted with 311 old burial mounds on a plateau of about 80,000 square meters. 2000 Yoshino cherry trees are in full bloom nearby, and azaleas are in full bloom during Golden Week, and the contrast is wonderful. And in autumn, cosmos blooms all over. If you climb the demon cave tumulus, which is about 6 meters high, you can see the tumulus group and the flowers that change depending on the season.

The best time to see the flowers blooming all over is from mid-March to mid-April

〒881-0005 Saitobaru Miyake, Saito City, Miyazaki Prefecture MAP

Traffic access
Train: 40 minutes by taxi from Miyazaki Station on the JR Nippou Line via R219 Car: 5 minutes from Saitobaru IC on Higashi
Kyushu Road

#ドローン #宮崎県西都市 #菜の花畑
#djimavic2 #観光 #春
