【Drone Film】★Japanese cherry blossoms ★ shot entirely on drones 【JNN sakura drone DIG総集編】

【Drone Film】★Japanese cherry blossoms ★ shot entirely on drones 【JNN sakura drone DIG総集編】

To all our international viewers,
The team of the Japanese television network JNN did its very best to present you a beautiful compilation of cherry blossoms across Japan filmed with drones. The cherry blossom – or Sakura in Japanese – is the national flower of Japan.
Cherry trees have been planted all over the country and they have been raised with great care.
It is in spring when everything is covered in multiple layers of pink that the academic and fiscal year start in Japan.
How about getting a glimpse of the beautiful Sakura on a quite night at home, during work or with your family?

↓↓↓Click here for short stories↓↓↓【JNN sakura drone DIG】

🌸JNN sakura ドローン DIG総集編🌸
🌸↓↓40本の短編集はこちら↓↓🌸【JNN sakura ドローンDIG】

#japan #cherryblossom #spring #travel #TV #drone

▼TBS NEWS DIG 公式サイト https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/



